Edify Nutrition

What is a Long Black Coffee: Nutritional Benefits of Long Black Coffee

what is a long black coffee

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If you’re a coffee enthusiast or a regular at coffee shops, you may have come across the term “long black coffee.” In this article, we will delve into the world of long black coffee, exploring its definition, brewing process, flavor profile, and popular variations. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of this bold and flavorful brew.

What Is a Long Black Coffee?

A long black coffee, also known as a café allongé or Americano is a type of coffee beverage that is made by pouring a double shot of espresso over hot water. It is often enjoyed as a black coffee without the addition of milk or cream. The name “long black” refers to the longer volume of the drink, achieved by adding hot water to the espresso shot.

Brewing Process:

To make a long black coffee, follow these steps:


  • Prepare the espresso: Start by brewing a double shot of espresso using an espresso machine. The espresso should be rich and concentrated, forming a layer of crema on top.
  • Add hot water: Fill a separate cup or mug with hot water. The water temperature should be around 180-190°F (82-88°C). The amount of water can vary based on personal preference and desired strength.
  • Pour the espresso: Carefully pour the double shot of espresso over the hot water. The crema from the espresso may float to the top, adding visual appeal.

what is a long black coffee

Enjoy your long black coffee that is ready to be savored. You can drink it as is or add sugar or a sweetener if desired.

Flavor Profile:

A long black coffee offers a bold and intense flavor profile. It retains the rich and robust characteristics of espresso while being diluted slightly by the hot water. The resulting brew has a smooth and well-balanced taste, combining the strength of espresso with a subtle bitterness and a deep aroma. It provides a satisfying and lingering coffee experience for those who appreciate a full-bodied flavor.

Nutritional Benefits

An abundance of Antioxidants:

Long black coffee contains a rich array of antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid and polyphenols. These powerful compounds help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, certain cancers, and neurodegenerative conditions.

Nutrient Contribution:

While long black coffee itself is low in calories, it contains small amounts of essential nutrients. These include riboflavin (vitamin B2), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), manganese, and potassium. However, the overall contribution of these nutrients is relatively minor compared to other dietary sources.

Metabolism Booster:

The caffeine content in long black coffee can act as a natural stimulant, increasing metabolic rate and boosting fat burning. By enhancing thermogenesis and fat oxidation, long black coffee may support weight management efforts when combined with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Energy Enhancer:

Long black coffee’s caffeine content stimulates the central nervous system, enhancing alertness and temporarily boosting energy levels. It can help improve focus, mental clarity, and overall cognitive performance. Starting your day with a cup of long black coffee can provide a revitalizing kick to jumpstart your activities.

Performance Booster:

Long black coffee has been shown to improve physical performance by reducing perceived exertion and increasing endurance. The caffeine in long black coffee helps mobilize fatty acids from fat stores, providing an additional fuel source for physical activity. This can result in improved athletic performance, delayed fatigue, and increased exercise capacity.

Appetite Suppressant:

The caffeine in long black coffee may act as a natural appetite suppressant, helping to reduce cravings and control calorie intake. It can temporarily curb hunger and provide a sense of fullness, aiding in weight management efforts. However, individual responses may vary.

Mood Elevator:

Long black coffee’s caffeine content can enhance mood and promote a sense of well-being. It stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of happiness, alertness, and overall mental well-being.

Nutrient Contribution:

While this coffee itself is low in calories, it contains small amounts of essential nutrients. These include riboflavin (vitamin B2), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), manganese, and potassium. However, the overall contribution of these nutrients is relatively minor compared to other dietary sources.

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